Grace Notes
If we let it, music of any type can touch us in unexpected ways. This study offers an opportunity to explore your relationship with God through music – either a hymn or a more contemporary Christian song – exploring how the words relate to your life and your faith journey. The words are included, as well as related Bible verses and questions for you to answer in your own time. Some of the questions may be easy for you to answer, but others may be quite challenging. The challenge to examine our feelings and beliefs is what helps to deepen and strengthen our faith.
If we are willing to open our hearts and minds, God can touch us through these Grace Notes. In their song ‘Live Like That’, The Sidewalk Prophets challenge us. They ask “Was I love when no one else would show up? Was I Jesus to the least of us?” That challenged us to ask: how can we as Wesley Church show love, be love? One of the ways was to offer an alternative to a traditional Bible study that for a variety of reasons many of us feel uncomfortable with. So this study uses songs and allows you to do it at home in your own time and in your own way, to help address that.
There is no right or wrong way to do this study. You may find a song doesn’t appeal to you, but we would encourage you to at least read the song over a few times and sit with it before deciding. Use that time of reflection to ask God to open your heart and mind to what the song has to offer. When you do a song, move at your own pace. There is no set schedule. You may be able to move through some songs, some questions, quickly. Others may be more challenging and require more time, and more processing.
If at any time you need to reach out – with questions or concerns – please use the message box at the bottom of the page, and someone will reach out to you.
Our prayer is that this study helps bring you closer to God.
"Remember what Christ taught, and let His words enrich your lives and make you wise;
teach them to each other and sing them in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing to the Lord with thankful hearts." Colossians 3:16